The Time and Weather is for Hua Hin, Thailand where we currently live

Daily Bible Verse

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lukewarm . . .

It hit me today as I was washing dishes in lukewarm water, how I have had to adjust to things being lukewarm since I have come to Thailand as a missionary. You see the sinks do not have temperature controlled water. All of the water is… well, lukewarm. The water sits in a huge holding tank under our front porch and it flows through the house and out the tap at one temperature…yes, you guessed it…lukewarm.

It has taken some getting used to on my part. The first time I did laundry here I was trying to find the dial or button to choose the temperature of the water. Ha, ha, ha. Okay, so there is only one temperature…lukewarm.

Often the word lukewarm has a negative connotation, and I can see why.

Have you ever:
*Wanted to go for a cool dip in a pool or the ocean, only to find out that the water felt like lukewarm bathwater?
*Thirsted for a refreshing drink of cold water only to find it lukewarm; and not so refreshing?
*Longed for a nice hot bubble bath and stuck your toe into a lukewarm, not so inviting abyss of water?

I remember going through a time of complacency (lukewarmness) in my Christian walk years ago. I would go to church, sometimes read my Bible, but pretty much not seek to serve the Lord unless the opportunity dropped in my lap. I look back on that time with deep regret, and so I try to actively avoid becoming lukewarm ever again in my faith walk.

And so as I have to deal with lukewarm water everyday here in Thailand, it is a wonderful reminder to me that I do not want to be lukewarm in serving the Lord.

“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:16

By April

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