The Time and Weather is for Hua Hin, Thailand where we currently live

Daily Bible Verse

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dancing for Jesus. . .

Dancing for Jesus

Some of the girls that April teaches Ballet and Praise Dance, danced (in their new ballet shoes) at a Christmas Caroling Service and at a Sunday church service.  

The girls danced to a song called “Grace” by Laura Story.  After all, isn’t that what Christmas is all about? 
God sending His only Son, Jesus, to give His life for us, so that we receive what we do not deserve ‘Grace’; and do not get what we deserve.

England for a Day. . .

Here are some pictures from our one-day layover in London, England on our way back to Thailand in October 2012.

The Eye, Big Ben, and the underground subway the “Tube” were a few of things we got to see.

This was our first time in London!  

A Bit of a Bumpy Road. . .

April was hospitalized for two days in November after she suffered a severe nose bleed and a bout of hypertension.  But she was still able to keep smiling!  She was treated at the new Bangkok Hospital that just opened here in Hua Hin in 2011.  Most of the doctors and nurses speak at least some English and many of the doctors were trained and practiced in the USA.  Fortunately, health care costs are about 1/5 to 1/10 what they are in the USA and Bangkok Hospital is state of the art and clean as can be. 

April’s room had an LCD TV, refrigerator, microwave, kitchen sink, dishes, a couch, recliner, a kitchen table with two chairs, and a great big private bathroom. 

In January, April battled a severe case of bronchitis and tonsillitis with a terrible cough and Bill struggled with a sinus infection.  So, we have started the new year off slowly canceling Youth Group activities, Ladies Bible study, and Children’s Church until we are back to good health.  Thank you for your prayers!

Our Visit to America

Our Visit to America. . . 
From mid-September through mid-October 2012, we were back in America.  We visited family and friends and took care of things that were waiting for us to take care of.
It was a wonderful pleasure to be back at MPC in September to experience the first of many to come “Colonial Days” at MPC, to help celebrate the upcoming 300th Anniversary of the Church in 2020.

Our time in America flew by.  We were sorry we could not see everyone that we wanted too, but felt blessed for every person we were able to spend time with.

Thank you all for the encouragement, prayers and support.

A New Project - A Christian Bookshop & Café

Happy New Year!  We hope your new year is off to a great start.  We have been under the weather so far this year, but that has not dampened our spirit to spread the “Good News of the Gospel” here in Hua Hin. 
We are helping our good friends, missionaries from Switzerland, to start the first Christian Bookshop and Café in Hua Hin, Thailand.  You can go to to find out more about this exciting project.    
What’s it all about?We, Moni & Stefan and April & Bill want to set up in Thailand a tentmaking company “Christian Book Store & Café”.  For this we need 2 million Baht (or $60,000). Half of it we can finance ourselves, the other half we have raised through Christians who have the mission within the meaning of Matthew 28:19 on their hearts. 
Why a Christian Bookshop & Café?
There is no Christian bookshop in Hua Hin. Christians have to go to Bangkok, (a 3 hour drive one way) to buy Bibles and Christian literature or order by Internet, and the latter is not feasible for many.  We will be able to serve believers in and around Hua Hin by providing Christian literature, as well as, reaching out to non-believers in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. There are many cafés in Hua Hin, and we think it will be a great place where believers and non-believers can encounter one another in a relaxing atmosphere and chat together.  In addition, we believe that the side-by-side aspect of books and café can inspire reflection and curiosity in non-believers about having a relationship with Jesus Christ.  It will also be a place to have Bible studies and prayer time with people.   We hope you will go to the website, to learn more about this project and possibly become a supporter! 

Just because time is up. . .

in regard to raising the basic funds to open the Christian Bookshop and Café, does not mean that you cannot be a part of the project.

With additional funding you will be enabling us to do more with the Christian Bookshop and Café than we originally planned. So, if you would still like to give to the project, we welcome your support and encouragement.

Thank you!

Youth Group

We have been having between 20 to 35 youth on Saturdays for Youth Group recently. Most of the new kids are Thai and speak only limited English. The Christian mother of 4 of the newer Thai youth has volunteered to help us with Youth Group by translating for everyone. She has been wonderful translating the Bible lessons for us, as well as, helping to explain the rules of new games we play each week. She has been a true blessing from the Lord!

The Youth Center is located less than two blocks from the beach and the temperature is always in the 80’s or 90’s degrees year round in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the tides in Hua Hin are often very high and when they are, there is little if any beach. We try to play games on the beach at least once or twice a month for youth group, but it took us until the first Saturday in December to be able to take the youth group to the beach. From mid-October through November, after returning to Thailand, we checked every week to see if the there was any beach. Finally, on December 1st, the tide was going out and we had a great beach to play on!

Chef Bill

Pizza for Youth Group is Great, But the Kid’s Love Food Cooked on the Grill as Well!