I love working with teenagers. I especially love to see when they allow God to work through them.
I had the wonderful privilege of seeing two teenagers being obedient to God and reaching out and ministering to some other people that needed to see the love of Jesus.
Sometimes I wonder how many times adults turn a deaf ear to what the Holy Spirit is leading them to do. And yet here are these teens that are listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and then obeying. One of the two teens told me that she had prayed that morning that God would use her that day for His Glory. Yea!
Last week I was sick for a couple of days, so I sent out a message to the youth and their parents that we were going to have to cancel the midweek Youth Group. I got a response back from one of the parents; her message said “Ok thanks”.
Then I got responses back from each of the youth saying things like:
Ø We are praying for you and hope that you are healed soon.
Ø I hope that God blesses you and heals you.
Ø Get well soon.
Wow! I know it may seem like a little thing, but I am so thrilled to see the hearts of the youth reflecting the heart of God.
Feeling challenged? I hope so. J