The Time and Weather is for Hua Hin, Thailand where we currently live

Daily Bible Verse

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gifts and God ‘incidences. . .

We are back in America for a month and God has blessed us with many gifts while we have been here.

The gift of wonderful hugs from family and friends, warm my heart and soul.  As I joyfully enfold myself with people I treasure, I know I will cherish each and every hug, and remember those hugs when we return to Thailand.

In coming back to America, we choose to enjoy foods that we have missed during our time in Thailand.  One day we decided to go to Cracker Barrel to enjoy some of those foods.  As we stood waiting to be seated, up walked a dear friend with 3 of her granddaughters.  When we locked eyes neither of us could believe it.  With a startled shout, we grinned and hugged.  We stopped by their table and enjoyed talking with her husband, finding out that they now live about 6 miles from where we were staying.  We are staying with Bill’s brother, and he lives about an hour from where most of our friends live, so to run into a friend out near where we are staying is really surprising.  What a joy!  This was definitely a God ‘incidence.

I know that some people would think of this as a coincidence, but I can definitely see the hand of God in the situation.  I think of a God ‘incidence as being an occurrence or divine appointment that God orchestrates, rather than what many may call “a coincidence.”

While we are here, I have been running around trying to get all of my paperwork together to get my Visa for our return to Thailand.  One of those items meant that I had to go to the doctor to have him complete a form.  As Bill and I sat in the waiting room, I looked up and to my amazement there was a wonderful friend looking at me in the same stunned way that I looked at her.  We hugged and laughed, and then I was called in for my appointment.  Bill continued to chat with our friend, and she left as I was paying my bill.

Bill and I chatted as we walked outside and were surprised to see our friend still there, talking on her cell phone.  She waved when she saw us, saying that her husband wanted to make sure that we got together with them soon.  We said we would definitely have to get together, and then we drove off.  Several minutes later we got a call from our friend, asking if we were available to come over right away.  We were available. . .  In fact, we had dinner with them; stayed overnight at their house; went to church with them at 4:00 am to see and pray for the youth as they left on a mission trip; and then we had breakfast with them and another couple.  What a gift from the Lord; another blessing of a God ‘incidence.

With a grateful heart I awaken each day, looking forward to seeing God’s hand in my day.

